The Grandmother | Question and Answers | Class 12

Question and answers of the poem the grandmother by ray young bear.
DR Gurung
Question and Answers Of "The Grandmother". "The Grandmother" was written by Ray Young Bear. Ray Young Bear, an American-Indian poet and novelist, was born in a Mesquaki tribe. The theme of his writings is the contemporary American Indian's search for identity.
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Questions and Answers: 

Question No. 1: What images do you find in the poem written by a member of the Sauk and Fox (Mesquaki) Indian tribe of North America ? To what senses do these images appeal ? (उत्तरी अमेरिकामा सोक र फोक्स (मेस्क्वाकी) इन्डियन प्रजातिका सदस्यहरु द्वारा लिखित यस कवितामा तपाई के विम्व (images) पाउनु हुन्छ ? यी विम्वहरुले कुन इन्द्रियहरु (आँखा, नाक, कान, जिब्रो, स्पर्श) लाई आकर्षण गर्दछ ?

Answer: The poem is full of metaphorical implications. In a sense the whole poem is a massive metaphor of the Mesquaki poets's attempt to reflect upon the vanishing native identity of the Mesquaki Indians. The poem has many images that appeal to our different senses. For example, the image of 'purple scarf', 'plastic shopping bag', 'hands', 'head', 'rock', 'light', 'stirring ashes', 'sleeping fire' and 'night' appeal to our sense of sight. Grand mother's 'warm' and 'damp' hands appeal to our sense of touch. The 'smell of roots' appeals to our sense of smell. The 'voice' from the rock and 'her words' evoke our sense of sound. Thus, the imagery used in the poem presents a concrete picture of the poet's grandmother.


In this poem 'The Grandmother', the poet has used images to discover two intertwined themes – recollection of his grandmother at one level and search for identity at another level. The images like ‘purple scarf’, ‘plastic shopping bag’, ‘the light … at night ‘ appeal to our sense of sight. These images also have a symbolic link to the Indian culture. ‘Plastic shopping bag’ indicates the poverty of the Indian tribe. ‘The light …. at night’ associates that the spirituality of Indian culture guides him in the modern corrupt American society. The images like ‘smell of root’ appeal to our sense of smell. It indicates the work ethic of the Indian tribe and his grandmother. They are near to nature and are good farmers. ‘Warm and damp hands’ appeal to our sense of touch. It also shows how his grandmother and Indian tribes work in fields with pleasure and sense of duty. ‘ A voice’ and ‘her words’ appeal to our sense of hearing. This indicates how the teachings and philosophy of Indian culture enlighten his spirits. Thus by the use of images, the poet has symbolically linked his grandmother to the lost culture of the Indian tribe.

#massive meaning in nepali language is विशाल, ठूलो.
#metaphor meaning in nepali language is रुपक, रुपान्तरण. 
#reflect meaning in nepali language is प्रतिबिम्बित.
#native meaning in nepali language is देशी. 
#identity meaning in nepali language is पहिचान.
#evoke meaning in nepali language is जगाउनु. 
#appeal meaning in nepali language is अपिल. 

Question No. 2: How does the speaker feel toward his grandmother ? In what words or lines does he make his feelings clear ? (आफ्नो हजुरआमा प्रति वक्ताले कस्तो भावना व्यक्त गर्छन् ? कुन शब्द र पङ्क्तिहरुमा उनी आफ्नो भावना स्पष्ट पार्छन्।) 
Answer: The speaker feels a deep sense of intimacy toward his grandmother. He finds her all loving and all-inspiring. Therefore he identifies her from the distance when she goes to or returns from the market carrying a plastic shopping bag. 
#intimacy meaning in nepali language is घनिष्टता.
#inspiring meaning in nepali language is प्रेरणादायक. 

Question No. 3: What four things does Ray Young Bear remember about his grandmother ? (आफ्नी हजुरआमाको बारेमा रे योङ्ग वियरले कुन कुन चार चिज सम्झिन्छन् ?) 
Answer: Ray Young Bear remembers his grandmother wearing a purple scarf and carrying a plastic shopping bag. Moreover, he remembers her touching him with her loving hands, which gave him a feeling of intimacy to her. He also finds her voice coming from the rock inspiring all the time. These are the mainly the four things he never forgets about his grandmother. 

Question No. 4: What is the central idea of the poem ? (यस कविताको केन्द्रीय भाव के हो ?)
Answer: The central idea of the poem is the poet's search for his cultural identity. Here, the 'Grandmother' represents the cultural identity of the Mesquaki tribe. By remembering his grandmother, he is lamenting the loss of cultural identity. The poet is suggesting that the cultural identity is the base of their existence. Everyone should work hard to seek and preserve such identity. 
#lamenting meaning in nepali language is विलाप.
#preserve meaning in nepali language is सुरक्षित गर्नु, जोगाउनु, बचाउनु. 
#seek meaning in in nepali language is खोज्नु.
Question No. 5: Voice from the margin is also dominant in the poem grandmother, justify?
Answer: In the poem "The Grandmother", the word grandmother does not only indicate a literal and ordinary grandmother rather it stands for the native identity of the Mesquaki tribe. The depiction of typical grandmother having some special features expressed through images shows the sorry state of the tribe due to the domination of the White people. Actually, the voice coming from the rock is the suppressed voice of the tribe that the writer wants to be heard and elevated. Thus, the voice from the margin is also dominant in the poem.
#elevate meaning in nepali language is उच्च.
#indicate meaning in nepali language is संकेत गर्नु, संकेत.
#literal meaning in nepali language is शाब्दिक.
#depiction meaning in nepali language is चित्रण, चित्रित.
#suppressed meaning in nepali language is दबाइएको, दमन गरिएको.
DR Gurung
A Learner (अज्ञान जस्तो ठूलो शत्रु अरु केही छैन।) ����
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Answers r v short brother
Thanks for stopping by Brother. Appreciated.
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really helped thank you very much
You are welcome dear Unknown. Glad to help. :)
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Tara ekdam garo words
Voli exam xa
You are welcome dear Soru. Good Luck.
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Thank u very much😍
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Thank you for helping me to understand this Lesson. Thanks a lot.

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Thank you so much, sir. It was really helpful💥
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